
Multielement Analysis Spectrometer

Source: PerkinElmer Instruments, Inc.
The Model 4110 ZL is an automated, sequential, multielement analysis system using THGA technology
PerkinElmer Instruments, Inc. Model 4110 ZL is an automated, sequential, multielement analysis system using THGA technology. This compact benchtop AA includes all spectrometer and furnace components in a single unit. This spectrometer is controlled from a personal computer using AA WinLab software including a range of analytical checks and quality control functions for GLP, GALP, and regulatory compliance, data editing, reformatting and transfer.

An 80-position AS-72 furnace autosampler is standard equipment for this model. Built-in lamp power supplies are available for both hollow cathode and Perkin-Elmer System 2 electrodeless discharge lamps.

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