Safety Accessory for Pump Protection
This bulletin describes the DurcoShield(tm) pump safety accessory--a one-piece splash and shaft guard that envelops the open areas between the pump's bearing housing and the casing. Coated for improved corrosion resistance, this polycarbonate device deflects fluid spray from a malfunctioning seal and protects fingers and clothing from exposure to a pump's rotating shaft. The literature explains that the shield is designed for applications from -70 °F to 300 °F but is not designed as a containment or seal backup system. It is available for Mark II and III and Chemstar(r) pumps. The shield's transparency permits easy inspection of the seal area.
The Duriron Company, Inc., Rotating Equipment Group PO Box 1145, Dayton, OH 45401. Tel: (513) 226-4000 bulletin being mailed