Beta Chemical Metering Pumps
These units consist of two main components: the pump drive unit and the liquid end. The beta series offers two drive (solenoid) sizes: beta/4 (BT4a) and beta/5 (BT5a). Operating principles and options are identical, and both units offer maximum backpressures up to 253 psig (17.5 bar). Capacity range for the beta/4 is 0.18 to 5 gph (0.69 to 19 L/h); the beta/5 is 1.2 to 8.4 gph (4.7 to 31.8 L/h). Feed rate is determined by stroke length and stroking rate: stroke length can be varied from 0 to 100% with an adjustment ratio of 10:1. It is set manually by the adjustment knob on the front of the pump. Stroke rate can be adjusted in 10% increments between 10 and 100% via the multifunction switch. The multifunction switch is also used to select voltage-free On/Off external pulse contact, pump stop, or test (for priming) valve. When the magnetic field is de-energized, a spring returns the armature and diaphragm to their original position. This return movement draws chemical into the dosing head cavity through the suction valve. In the event of a diaphragm rupture, the liquid end has a weep hole on the bottom of the backplate to direct chemical out of the pump and away from the solenoid. An optional diaphragm failure monitor can be used to stop the pump and indicate a problem.
ProMinent Fluid Controls, Inc., 136 Industry Drive, R.I.D.C. Park West, Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1014. Tel: 412-787-2484; Fax: 412-787-0704.