Oxidation Systems


  • Electromagnetic simulation saves time and money. Remcom Consulting is an ideal solution for those organizations that need an electromagnetic expert without an ongoing need for in-house electromagnetic modeling software.

  • The SKY53761-11 is a highly integrated LNA filter module that enables users to support 5G New Radio (NR) bands in the 3.3 to 4.2 GHz frequency range.

  • The R&S®CMP200 is an IF tester that combines vector signal analyzer and ARB-based generator functionality. The compact integrated solution can be customized with up to three R&S®CMPHEAD30 remote radio heads (RRH) for up/downconverting signals to 5G FR2 frequencies.

  • Architecting a connected cell and gene therapy organization is critical, whether your goal is to stand alone or with another business. Building this structure starts with defining roles and acquiring talent, then establishing an effective commercial model.

  • Piezo flexure tip/tilt platforms provide fast response, high resolution and stability - ideal prerequisites for fast steering mirror applications (FSM) and dynamic operation in scanning, tracking and image stabilizing.




Oxidation Systems

Waste treatment, ground water remediation and food processing are some of the areas that heavily rely on oxidation systems. Ozone generators, hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate are some of the oxidation systems that are important in different oxidation processes. The acquisition of these oxidation systems can be easily done through specialized dealers. It is advantageous to deal through these dealers since they have vast knowledge of what are essential for different processes. Some of these dealers design sell and in certain instances lease these systems. Their experience with advanced oxidation systems, ozone and potassium permanganate makes them the best people to use when such and related concerns arise. 
There is no doubt about the transformation that the chemical oxidation technologies have taken. Specialists in the oxidation field work hand in hand with the interested parties in solving all their oxidation related needs. This sequential process begins with the selection of the appropriate oxidation need. Once a technology is selected, they work with the client step by step in designing the system that is suited to one’s application. Other than the identification and assembly, they will provide assembly and maintenance services.
There are certain elements of oxidation systems that one should always know when dealing with these systems. Injection trailers, metering systems and pilot testing systems are some of the things that might be relevant for different oxidation system types and scales. For instance, one involved in ozone oxidation need to be familiar with ozone generators and ozone pilot testing systems.
Like any other process, oxidation need ought to be measured by considering the aspects of benefits and cost. This calls for meticulous review of the energy and chemical costs as well as the by-products. Many tend to forget about the by-products during the initial planning phase until when they have to disinfect them.