Case Study

Dechlorination Of Boiler Makeup Water At Baseload Generation Facility


A baseload generation facility in North America recently faced the challenge of dechlorinating their boiler makeup water in order to protect their Ion Exchange demineralization process. In the past, they relied on Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) filters for this purpose, but these filters had certain limitations. In order to find a more efficient and effective solution, they turned to Atlantium Technologies and decided to implement their HOD (Hydraulic Optical Dechlorination) UV systems.

The HOD UV system offered by Atlantium Technologies combines ultraviolet water disinfection technology with hydraulic and optic principles. This system utilizes Total Internal Reflection technology to provide dechlorination in a highly efficient manner. In March 2020, the company installed a HOD UV system at the facility to ensure a low concentration of Free Available Chlorine (FAC) outlet. This system replaced two GAC filters and offered a space-saving design, reducing the organic load and extending the life of the media.

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Atlantium Technologies Ltd.