Case Study

Disinfection Of Acid Wastewater Discharge In Taiwan


A leading semiconductor foundry in Taiwan, internationally renowned for its advanced manufacturing technology and continuous innovation, needed to treat Acid Wastewater Discharge (AWD) in its backend discharge system. Multiple analytical instruments, including COD, H2O2, IPA, and Acetone, monitor discharge data against export standards: COD: 150 ppm, Acetone: 5 ppm. Exceeding these standards can result in significant fines and, in severe cases, the environmental protection authorities may require the plant to stop production until improvements are made.

The system was experiencing bacterial clogging in the feed tubes of analytical instruments, leading to abnormal readings. Maintenance personnel must frequently clean the feed tubes and calibrate the instruments, resulting in high labor costs. Subsequently, 5-micron filters were installed before the analytical instruments, which reduced the frequency of bacterial clogging but was ineffective due to increased maintenance and consumable costs caused by the need to replace filters twice daily.

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Atlantium Technologies Ltd.