
Dissolved Gas Flotation (DGF)

Source: Siemens Water Technologies
The Dissolved Gas Flotation (DGF) pump system is the heart of our oil/water separation technologies. Conventional flotation systems have been used for years for a variety of chemical processes in a broad range of industries...
The Dissolved Gas Flotation (DGF) pump system is the heart of our oil/water separation technologies. Conventional flotation systems have been used for years for a variety of chemical processes in a broad range of industries. This proven process hydraulically lifts or floats solids, oils and other contaminants to the surface of the liquid phase. Once on the surface, these contaminants are skimmed off and removed from the liquids. The process works as follows:
  1. Fine bubbles are introduced into the vessel
  2. Gas bubbles attach to oil droplets
  3. Droplets float to surface at an accelerated rate

Our Dissolved Gas Flotation (DGF) pump has proven to be one of the most effective solutions to treating produced waters. The DGF pump works by using a dual sided impeller that pulls both water and gas into the pump volute. The backside of the impeller has a "sub-atmospheric" zone that pulls vapor from the blanket gas source or other means and allows mixing with the incoming fluid. As this occurs the vapor is dissolved into the water creating micro fine bubbles that break out of solution once a pressure drop is experienced. This pressure drop occurs once the fluids and dissolved gas are flowed across a globe valve prior to entrance into the flotation vessel. Due to the close tolerance between the back vanes of the impeller and the back plate of the DGF pump, the vapor is sheared into micro fine bubbles piped into a vessel or tank allowing the fine gas bubbles to attach to the oil droplets. As the gas bubble attaches to the oil droplet, the droplet floats to the surface at an accelerated rate. Our DGF pump technology can produce bubbles that range from 1 micron and greater.

Currently, there are no other technologies that offer the flexibility and effectiveness of altering bubble size to optimize the efficiency of a flotation unit due to changing water chemistry.

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