High Flow Filters
These flow filters are coreless with no metallic components, and can be incinerated, crushed, shredded or compacted. An inside to outside flow configuration ensures entrainment of contaminated particles within the structure of the element, therefore reducing operator exposure and re-contamination of the process flow.
Applications for the filter include electrodeposited paint primers, RO prefiltration, centralized water systems, chemical/petrochemical product polishing, high fructose corn syrup, beer, fats and oils, amines and liquid/liquid coalescer prefilters.
The element is available in 40 and 60 inch lengths. A series of housings specifically designed for the filter are available in either horizontal or vertical configurations.
<%=company%>, 2200 Northern Boulevard, East Hills, NY 11548. Telephone (888) 873-7255 Fax: (516) 484-0364.