High Lift Flange Weld/Test Plugs
EST reduces the expense, downtime delays, and waste disposal problems associated with conventional flange-to-pipe weld testing. Our High Lift Flange Weld Test Plug lets you monitor downstream conditions, isolate and purge the weld area, perform the weld, and hydro test weld joint to ANSI B16.5 requirements using only one tool. No blind flanging upstream, no vacuum truck for evacuating the line, and no X-raying. Just a simple, rock-solid tool that saves time and money every time you use it. (One of our refinery customers reports that it pays for itself one-quarter of the way through the first use!) Each test requires a minimum amount of water, and there's no need to fill the entire line. You'll use less water,and minimize your environmental liabilities.
- Fast, easy installation and testing.
- Segmented compression tube allows adjustment of seal installation depth.
- Faster pipe repairs and retrofits.
- Improved Seal-to-Pipe Clearance: Plug can be easily installed and removed, even where there is severe weld protrusion.
- Low water requirements resulting in less waste water.
- A minimum of 1.5:1 safety factor.
- Rugged, heavy-duty construction.
- Versatile: Seal and washer sets easily change to accommodate different pipe schedules.
- Ported Center Shaft: Permits monitoring of downstream pressure of inert gas rejection.
- Quality Assurance System: Manufactured under a Quality Assurance Program certified to ISO 9001 and several U.S. nuclear industry standards including ANSI N45.2, NQA-1, 10CFR 50 Appendix B, and 10CFR 21.
- Super Stock: Sizes from 3/4" to 8" are available for same day or next day shipment.
- Seal Materials: Urethane Standard.
EST Group Inc. DBA Expansion Seal Technologies Group, 334 Godshall Drive, Harleysville, PA 19438. Tel: 215-513-4300; Fax: 215-513-4333.