High-Quality Imaging For Up To Four-Color Microarrays On The GenePix Microarray Systems

Microarray scanners for one-fluor to multi-fluor applications
The GenePix® Microarray Systems are based on 25 years of expertise in low-noise signal amplification and optical design. The systems can handle any slide-based microarray study, from small one- or two-fluor applications to multiple-fluor high-throughput projects requiring automated sample handling and secure enterprise-wide data management and analysis. All GenePix scanners include one license of GenePix Pro Image Acquisition and Analysis Software, the benchmark tool for the acquisition and analysis of microarray images.
GenePix 4300/4400 Microarray Scanner
The GenePix® 4300A and GenePix® 4400A Scanners offer maximum imaging quality with optimal resolution in highly configurable platforms. Configurations include 5μm or 2.5μm per-pixel maximum scanning resolution, choices of up to four lasers for excitation, and sixteen emission-wavelength filters. These options allow the systems to detect a wide variety of fluorophores. Coupled with GenePix® Pro Microarray Image Analysis Software and Acuity® Microarray Informatics Software, the GenePix Systems provide powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use solutions for the acquisition and analysis of data from all types of arrays, including nucleic acids, proteins, tissues, and cells.
GenePix 4100A Microarray Scanner
Afford your own personal scanner with our low priced GenePix® 4100A Microarray Scanner offering simplicity, reliability and flexibility that you require for your microarray-based research, be it in genomics, proteomics, or novel applications. Built on our award-winning (IBO Design Award) optical, electronic and software design, the sequential GenePix 4100A Microarray Scanner has all the quality, but in a price range and bench-top footprint that makes it ideal for individual lab use.
GenePix 4000B Microarray Scanner
The GenePix® 4000B Microarray Scanner is a benchmark for quality, reliability and ease-of-use in microarray scanning technology. Coupled with GenePix® ProMicroarray Image Analysis Software and Acuity® Microarray Informatics Software, the GenePix System sets the highest standards in the acquisition and analysis of data from all types of arrays, including nucleic acids, proteins, tissues, and cells.
GenePix® Microarray Scanner flexibility allows you to configure scanning and analysis of one slide or many, whether they are all alike or each is different. The slide loader accommodates low- and high-density; opaque, mirrored, or translucent; plastic or glass; commercial or homebrew slides.
GenePix® Pro Microarray Analysis Software
Designed to work with GenePix systems as a complete, integrated platform. The seamless communication between scanner and software ensures unmatched efficiency for data acquisition and analysis, as well as for real-time scanner performance monitoring.
Acuity® Microarray Informatics Software
Optional package, offering database storage, clustering algorithms, advanced statistics and visualizations.