
Hot Tube Descaling Services (HTD)

Source: Cetek Limited
Using proprietary, patented technology, process tubes are cleaned using a dry process during furnace operation, with no interruption to production
Cetek Limitedietary, patented technology, process tubes are cleaned using a dry process during furnace operation, with no interruption to production. Descaling material is consumed within the heater, with no environmental consequences. Scale and fouling problems are eliminated so that processes variables may return to optimum levels. Tube skin temperatures have been reduced by as much as 200oF and convection section temperatures also by 200oF. Substantial gains in capacity have resulted, with one crude unit increasing throughput from 24,000 to 30,000 bpd.

<%=company%>, 640 North Rocky River Drive. Berea, OH 44017. TEL: 440-891-0892; FAX: 440-891-0899.