Manually Actuated Butterfly Valves
Source: Cole-Parmer Instrument Company
The 98690-series valves are ideal for flow control in plastic or metal piping systems.
The 98690-series valves are ideal for flow control in plastic or metal piping systems. Fully supported flange bolt holes effectively prevent stressing of flanges on mated pipes. Working pressure for these valves is 150 psi st 70º F (21º C); maximum operating temperature is 140º F (60º C).
Valves feature a one-piece plastic body and either a Viton® or EPDM body liner. V-notch retention ensures positive sealing. Models are available in sizes from 1½ in. up to 12 in. Sizes 1½ in. to 8 in. are lever actuated; 10 in. and 12 in. valves are gear actuated. Actuators come mounted on the valve.
Cole-Parmer Instrument Co., 625 E. Bunker Ct., Vernon Hills, IL 60061. Tel: 847-549-7600 or 800-323-4340.
Viton® is a registered trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomers.
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