Migration Strategies, Distributed Control Systems
Migration – for Siemens this means the right combination of products, solutions and services combined to achieve a single goal: To make the transition from an outdated control system to PCS 7 as inexpensive and low-risk as possible.
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•Product Sheet: Migration Strategies, Distributed Control Systems
•SIMATIC PCS 7/505 Operator Station Brochure
Migration of control systems – the challenge
Many installed control systems date from the '80s or '90s and are therefore due for modernization now or in the coming years. Some systems are completely outdated and are no longer supported by their manufacturers or only partly supported. Others, for example, still run reliably on the controller level, but do not fulfill modern requirements with regard to integration with management information or production planning systems.
The planning and engineering of a new process-control system is itself a complex job. However the migration of a control system involves even more:
- What has to be replaced – what can remain?
- How can components that are worth keeping for integration into the new solution?
- How can migration be realized with the briefest downtimes or even while operation is continuing?
Siemens rises to these challenges – with a comprehensive strategy for migrating various systems to SIMATIC PCS 7. Important for you: This strategy applies not only to our own old systems, but also to those of other manufacturers.
Migration – for Siemens this means the right combination of products, solutions and services combined to achieve a single goal: To make the transition from an outdated control system to PCS 7 as inexpensive and low-risk as possible.
Step-by-step migration makes sense whenever the existing control system components are at different stages of their service life. In many old systems the operator control and monitoring level no longer fulfils modern demands on ergonomics, clear structures and connectivity – whereas it still makes sense to continue using the controller and IO level in view of the performance and support. Or the IO modules are still up-to-date, but the HMI and controllers need to be modernized.
Whenever such step-by-step solutions are possible and make sense we offer them. The result: Intelligent migration solutions that benefit from the extensive know-how of one of the leading manufacturers of process instrumentation and control systems.
"Siemens' capabilities and skills with regard to migration and modernization are unique in the automation sector" – as ARC has confirmed in its white paper "Siemens Process Automation System Migration and Modernization Strategies" of February 2007.
Click Here To Download:
•Product Sheet: Migration Strategies, Distributed Control Systems
•SIMATIC PCS 7/505 Operator Station Brochure