OPC Development Toolkits
The company offers a Server toolkit and a Client toolkit for the OPC Alarm and Event interface. Both toolkits include fully documented source code and helpful instructions on building the application. A test client and server are also provided to help in testing and debugging.
Over 20 companies have already employed the Alarm & Event toolkit in their products.
The company offers a free OPC Alarm & Event evaluation package for free download from their website. The download includes a fully functional Modbus OPC server that implements both the data access and alarm and event interfaces. An alarm and event client application is also included. Users can access the download area from the company's home page at http://www.factorysoft.com.
FactorySoft, Inc., 89 Forbes Blvd., Mansfield, MA 02048. Tel: 508-337-6600. Fax: 508-337-6686.