
Remediation Pumps

Source: Clean Environment Equipment
The AP-2 Controllerless AutoPump family allows fluid extraction in wells with IDs as small as 2 in.

The AP-2 Controllerless AutoPump family allows fluid extraction in wells with IDs as small as 2 in. They are designed to be operated by oily, watery compressed air; producing flow rates exceeding 2.5 GPM at depths of 500 ft. The units are described as lightweight, consuming less air than other pump designs, and essentially unaffected by freezing weather. The AP2\-2 does not require bubbler sensors and can therefore operate with the well under a vacuum or pressure. The pumps are designed to handle silts, sands, acids, bases, chemicals (pH 1 through 12), and temperatures to 212 °F. They have only two connections to the surface and can be teed to existing AutoPumps in service.

Clean Environment Equipment, 1133 Seventh Street, Oakland, CA 94607. Tel: (800) 537-1767, (510) 891-0880; Fax: (510) 444-6789.