Streamlining Cell Therapy Manufacturing With Rapid And Reliable Bead Removal

An important step of cell therapy manufacturing process is isolating target T cells using magnetic beads, which must then be removed. The T cells can then be transformed into a highly targeted therapeutic product. The Gibco™ CTS™ DynaCellect™ Magnetic Separation System was designed to help optimize this step of the manufacturing process. This system enables closed, fully automated, and rapid cell isolation and bead removal, while decreasing variability in cell therapy manufacturing.
Here we share the experience of one customer who established a workflow utilizing the Gibco™ CTS™ DynaMag™ Magnet—a manual cell isolation and bead removal device—and was interested in trialing an automated approach. Using the CTS DynaCellect system the customer was able to reach around 95% cell viability, exceeding their criteria of 90%.
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