SuperPulsator® Clarifier
The Superpulsator® is a high-rate sludge blanket clarifier combining inclined plate settling, pulsing sludge blanket and solids contact to achieve maximum efficiency.
The SUPERPULSATOR® Clarifier combines basic chemical principles and proven clarification technology in a high-rate, solids contact clarifier that offers maximum efficiency. The unique design combines flocculation and clarification functions in one basin for optimal use of space. Vacuum generated flow pulsations create a homogeneous sludge blanket that results in excellent effluent quality at minimal operating costs.
The SUPERPULSATOR® clarifier combines the principles of a sludge blanket and solids contact system into a single, high-rate, clarification unit. Capable of removing turbidity, color, TOC and other constituents in both municipal and industrial water applications, the SUPERPULSATOR® treats billions of gallons of water per day in hundreds of installations throughout the world.
- Clarified turbidity of < 1-2 NTU
- Ability to handle high raw solids (0 to 2000+ NTU)
- Up to 60% TOC removal
- Low energy requirement ( 1 HP per MGD)
- No submerged moving parts
- Integrated flocculation/clarification in one unit
- Ability to add settling tubes for increased capacity
- Hundreds of installations in the Pulsator family
- Flexible layout options
- Customize to any site plan
- Loading Rates: 2.0 to 4.0 gpm/ft2
- Polymer free at reduced loading rates
- Settling plate widths up to 20 feet
- Unit height 16 to 18 feet
- Retrofit existing sedimentation basins
- Retrofit circular clarifier basins
- Common-wall layout with our Greenleaf® Filter