
Updating / Repairs

Source: NAO
NAO has more experience, worldwide, in designing, testing, installing and servicing burners, flares, thermal oxidizers, (with or without heat exchangers) and other combustion, pollution, safety and energy control systems.
NAOe experience, worldwide, in designing, testing, installing and servicing burners, flares, thermal oxidizers, (with or without heat exchangers) and other combustion, pollution, safety and energy control systems.

We've reconditioned low NOx burners, manufactured 30, 40, 50 and even 60 years ago by NAO -- to make that combustion equipment good-as-new.

  • NAO supports customers with spare parts and service, regardless of the age of our equipment
  • NAO also provides better than original parts for equipment of manufacturers who don't support their old designs

    Need help? Call NAO. We recently replaced or retrofitted every burner (supplied by a competitor) in a North American refinery.

    We have retrofitted more than a thousand elevated flares -- replacing refractory-lined burners that couldn't take the heat with Fluidic Flare (tm) tips.

    We've rebuilt, renovated and replaced enclosed flares with exposed burners and headers -- and other design/manufacturing flaws and shortcuts.

    We even installed new pilots on operating flares -- that couldn't be shut down safely. (The original pilots weren't manufactured by NAO.)

    <%=company%>, 1299 East Sedgley Ave., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19134 Tel: 800-328-7637 or 215-743-5300 Fax: 215-743-3018