Hydrocarbon Product Showcase
Condensate Polishing Systems
Condensate polishers are used to maintain a proper quality of water by removing impurities from return Condensate, and are custom engineered and manufactured in accordance with industry codes and owner's specific requirements.
Pre-engineered Steam Coils
Unifin's pre-engineered line of standard coils (size range: 17 in. x 25 in. to 52 in. x 163 in.) have applications in pulp & paper, power generation and other general process industries, for use in:
Environmental Well Products
Groundwater monitoring, remediation and recovery programs use Johnson screens use PVC for either wire wound or slotted pipe design
Low Pressure Rupture Disks
The FLCO rupture disk provides low pressure relief from 3/4 psig through 40 psig and is available in sizes ranging from 2 inches to 30 inches in diameter
Magnetoflow Mag Meters
The Magnetoflow line of Mag meters offers reliability, accuracy, and durability
Heat Recovery Systems
CEE offers packaged or custom air-to-air heat recovery units for heating building makeup air or providing heat for other processes
MVX Multivariable Smart Electronic Transmitter
The new Barton MVX multivariable smart electronic transmitter not only provides process measurement variables
CT4000 OEM Gas Analyzer
Cascade’s CT4000 system monitors in real time NO, NO2, SO2, CH4, H2O, CO and CO2 levels in ambient environments of up to 70 °C and gas temperatures of 190 °C. Applications for this system include ship emissions monitoring, power plant emissions monitoring, engine management, engine combustion tools, engine health management and carbon trading.
Water & Wastewater Treatment Products
Aquatech's wide range of water treatment technologies makes us one of the only companies in the world that can take single point responsibility on an industrial water treatment project.
Web Viewer Service
Web Viewer Service is designed to convert TPS GlobalUser Station (GUS) operator displays into Web images that become populated with process data from Uniformance Information Management System...